Autism meltdown in adults
Autism meltdown in adults

autism meltdown in adults

  • You expect them to be able to operate under high intensity conditions all the time just because they can put in the energy to do it sometimes, not being aware that once the “ spoons” are gone, they take a while to build back up.
  • You do not recognize when they are stuck in a “bad loop,” and also expect them to just “snap out of it” without considering specific ways to help autistic people caught in “ loops of concern.“.
  • You interrupt them when they are focused, even if/when you know that switching tasks, transitions, and breaking focus is really hard for them.
  • They have undiagnosed fine and/or gross motor processing difficulties, and you press them on something that is physically difficult for them-like putting on jackets, tying shoes, or brushing teeth-instead of providing supports or adaptations like helping them dress, getting them slip-on or velcro shoes, or using electric toothbrushes (or helping them brush their teeth).
  • You treat tics or co-occurring Tourette’s traits as autistic “behaviors” that can be conditioned away, instead of trying to understand why they happen.
  • autism meltdown in adults autism meltdown in adults

    You treat meltdowns, and their triggers, as though they are tantrums and voluntary, when they are in reality involuntary, and in many cases can be avoided.Heather Brown, at the UC Davis MIND Institute 2020 Neurodiversity Summit And those are real and natural ways of being human in the world.” Dr. “It’s actually quite natural to behave and act as we behave. Autism Checklist of Doom: Common issues that cause autistic distress, and might be ignored, “treated,” and/or cause a meltdown. The list is also not meant to be comprehensive we will probably add more items in the future-and welcome feedback-but we had to stop somewhere. That doesn’t mean every item will be appropriate for every autistic person you can look through it and see which things might apply. This checklist is for all autistic people, whether they can speak or not, and whether they have intellectual disability or not. This means autistic people may seem excited about things that are less uncomfortable/painful to them, which is not the same as enjoying or even neutrally tolerating those things. Too many autistic people learn-often quite early in life-that they have no choice other than to submit to discomforts, and also people in their lives may not even register or believe that their distress is real. Please also know that even if an autistic person goes along with some of the issues in this list, that doesn’t mean those things aren’t a problem for them. That is an unfair and horrible way to live.

    autism meltdown in adults

    But if the underlying issue is never addressed, then the autistic person is not only still upset, but is being punished, or having rewards taken away, for being in distress. Sometimes the autistic people in these situations even get restrained, or given electric shocks. Issues in this checklist may upset autistic people to the point of self-injury or aggression, yet parents or caregivers might be told such behavior is “just autism,” or that the autistic person needs behavioral conditioning therapy. We hope that by highlighting issues that may not be obvious to a bystander, you can help the autistic people in your life thrive, as much as possible. We’ve put this list together to help those who aren’t autistic themselves (or whose autistic traits differ from those of their child/charge) to understand what may upset an autistic person, and cause distress. By Shannon Rosa and Autistic Science and you are a parent or caregiver for an autistic person-a child, or an adult-we beg you to consider our Autism Checklist of Doom.

    Autism meltdown in adults